Roodkapje Radio - 05 w/ Kleingeld

Airdate: 25.09.2024
“Mag ik in uw OORSCHELP …..” is a cabinet of curiosities. It’s hazy in the cabinet, the door creaks – you can’t stop sneezing. . . . I ask the audience a question, may I sleep inside your auricle? May I play there? Could I give it a little nibble? The series of events that Kleingeld curates are an ongoing experiment where comfort and discomfort will hold hands (sweaty palms included). For everyone who’s tired of the occasional club nights and ready for disturbed utopia." In this show, she will play a lot of music from artists that have performed at the events, accompanied with artists that inspire me and fit the vibe she's trying to create on these evenings.

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Operator: Schiestraat 18, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Made with love by Pentacollective