xcepting - 19 w/ LESFLEURSDUMAL & Jazz Dalia

Airdate: 26.07.2024
How can one make their own personal development and artistic process explicit, and in doing so, use that to collaborate with people around them? Acknowledging that one’s personality and sonic interests are ever-changing, diverse, and versatile takes centre stage in “xcepting,” where xceptor, the show’s namesake, engages in a musical discourse with fellow artists and musicians that deepens and expands both his and their practice. Be it a b2b with somebody whose worlds have the potential to colour each other, or a wholly-focused action in which the invited can take the reins, the Rotterdam-based DJ/Producer creates a space for musical exploration with whoever he feels creatively aligned with in that particular moment. Although these two hours largely remain grounded in electronic music, expect the occasional endeavour into music’s outer realms.

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Operator: Schiestraat 18, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Made with love by Pentacollective