
Conduct Disorder

CFW 20210423 0002
Upcoming event: 12.12.2024 - 09:00
Conduct Disorder is the driving force behind leftfield electronic music platform PAUZE. Besides hosting events and radio shows, his DJ-sets consisting of sharp breaks, broken techno and percussive tunes have left their mark at places like Garage Noord, POING, Skatecafé and Nachtparlement. Additionally to his nightlife appearances, he hosts an early morning show on Operator called “you can’t wake up if you don’t fall asleep”, accompanied by listening music applicable to both night owls and early birds.
you can't wake up if you don´t fall asleep -08

Genre doesn't matter, it's all about the vibe and experience.

PAUZE - 26 w/ Mehdi-J & Jacquestrax

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Operator: Schiestraat 18, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Made with love by Pentacollective